Byron Carlson Petri & Kalb, LLC | attorneys at law

3 types of wrong-site surgery

On Behalf of | Aug 29, 2024 | Medical Malpractice

Wrong-site surgery is a type of medical malpractice that could cause significant harm. Much of the time, it is due to a simple communication error. Perhaps the surgeon was not given the correct information or did not double-check the medical records.

But every wrong-site surgery case is unique. Below are the three main types to consider.

1. The wrong location

First of all, these mistakes often involve surgery that is carried out in the wrong location. This could be the wrong side of a person‘s body. Say that someone is supposed to have lung surgery on their left lung, but the surgeon performs the operation on their right lung, causing irreparable harm.

2. The wrong procedure

In other cases, the surgeon operates on the right side, but they just do not perform the right procedure. One problem is that this means that the patient does not get the treatment they need. At the same time, it also means that the unnecessary surgery could increase healing times and cause further damage.

3. The wrong patient

Finally, there are cases where the surgeon does operate on the right location and they do carry out the right procedure, but they just have the wrong patient. This can sometimes happen when two patients have similar names, for example. That’s why it is so important for the medical team to double-check all of the records and information before beginning the procedure.

Have you suffered harm due to a medical mistake, such as wrong-site surgery? It can lead to many different costs, from lost wages to increased medical bills to pain and suffering. You may deserve substantial compensation, so make sure you know what legal steps you can take at this time.


