Byron Carlson Petri & Kalb, LLC | attorneys at law

Eminent Domain Attorneys

Forced Takings • Pipeline Easements • Just Compensation

The United States Constitution allows private property to be taken for the benefit of public good. However, the property owner is entitled to just compensation for their property. If you are facing the loss of your property through a forced taking/easement by a pipeline company, the Illinois or Missouri Department of Transportation or your city, contact a lawyer to ensure your constitutional rights to just compensation are fully protected.

Byron Carlson Petri & Kalb, LLC, represents private landowners throughout St. Louis and the Metro East, in a wide variety of eminent domain and pipeline-related legal matters. We have in-depth experience in the negotiation and litigation of real property issues associated with these operations.

Contact us to discuss how we can assist you with:

  • Obtaining the highest valuation for your property
  • Negotiating the terms of the taking/easement with the pipeline
  • Litigating an eminent domain/condemnation action

Eminent Domain – Oil and Gas Pipelines

Oil and gas companies often lay pipelines through private land. Doing so may result in land loss and can damage soil fertility or destroy crops. We represent landowners and agribusinesses to ensure they are compensated for the loss of land and crop prices and the land is restored after the pipes are laid. We negotiate mitigation agreements with the oil companies when necessary.

Some Sound Advice

  • Do not discuss issues pertaining to the value of your property with anyone without first consulting an attorney.
  • Do not attempt to value your property without first consulting a competent real estate appraiser and an attorney.
  • Do not permit anyone to conduct any tests such as borings, explorations for hazardous waste, or test wells for a water supply, without first consulting an attorney.
  • Do not sign any document presented to you by the pipeline company without first consulting an attorney.
  • Do not supply copies of leases, expense records, profit and loss statements, crop reports, or similar documents to a pipeline representative without first consulting an attorney.

This advice is general and is not intended to be all-inclusive.

Contact Our Firm

For more information or to speak with an experienced, Illinois or Missouri, eminent domain attorney, contact Christopher W. Byron, managing partner at Byron Carlson Petri & Kalb, LLC. We will assemble a cross-disciplinary team, including appraisers, to comprehensively address eminent domain issues.

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